18 de marzo de 2025

20 comentarios en «You’ll NEVER play for Real Madrid or Barcelona?! 😅»

  1. He will never get an offer from Real Football Clubs like Real Madr😮or BARCA

    He can’t even play for Liverpool or Spurs because he has no speed

    This guy has no dribbling ability or technique

    He is just a big dude who stands in the box for the ball to come to him.

    He never runs back to help defenders or can get passed 3 lines by dribbling

    He scores because all players are told to send the ball to him his own country doesn’t start him!!

    Big door, imagine Ronaldo Messi Neymar Salah or even Woods on one on one against this dude

    They will nutmeg him before he blinks

    Fake like his Club

  2. I’d recognise that mumbling and incoherent drawl anywhere. Oliver ‘Pathetic excuse for a journalist’ Holt. Can’t stand him. He could make Freddie Mercury on 2gs fall asleep.

  3. The journalist unnecessarily extended the question, causing Haaland not to answer it. He should have stopped at: 'Some players dream of playing for Barca or Madrid. How do you see this, given that you've signed a very long contract?'

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